Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I started practicing Yoga years ago in NYC. This was long before Yoga became "mainstream". Many people gave me weird looks when I shared my love of yoga. I was NOT some crunchy hippie by any means. I opted for a Yoga Class rather than a sweaty workout at the Y or local gym. Yoga calmed me down and centered me,as well as keeping me in great shape. I used to run long distance including marathons,but instead of soothing my nerves,it brought out my compulsive nature. Oh by the way,I loathe those Hot Yoga classes. The hot sweaty clothes irritate me as well as the teacher who "pushes" the students. For me, Yoga is about listening to myself and tuning out "influences"..
Kids Yoga

yoga instructors

kids yoga

kids yoga

kids yoga

kids yoga

kids yoga